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On December 13th, 2012 Connectify ® released their newest software – Dispatch. This new software answers a question every internet user has asked her/himself: – what if I connect to 2 or more internet source? You would want to think that your speed would increase proportionally to the number of connection you have. Sadly this is not the case, your computer just use the other connections for redundancy and load balancing.

This is where Dispatch changes things; this software lets you combine any number of 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections into a single faster more reliable connection. Can you imagine connecting your laptop to a Wi-Fi connection, a 3G dongle and an Ethernet application and have them be treated as one aggregate internet connection? Now at first glance it may seem impractical, seeing you may have to pay for those 3 connections. However if you think “out of the box” you may see some situations where this may be feasible.

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For example:

  1. A business owner who’s line of work demands a fast and stable internet connection. However due to the rural location of his workplace only has access to 3G internet. In this case he may buy 4 of the 3G dongles and connect them to a PC running Dispatch. So instead of having a slow 4Mbps, he now has a 16Mbps connection.
  2. A school I.T. lab that only has access to Wi-Fi and ADSL connections. The ADSL connection maxes out at 4Mbps and the Wi-Fi at 8Mbps. For running a computer lab of 50 computers that need internet connection, these speeds won’t do. This is where a PC running Dispatch along with a software router will improve the efficacy of this lab.


It should be noted that there are hardware routers that can combine certain types of connection but they are usually expensive and require a high level of expertise to set-up and deploy. This where Dispatch is different, it is considerably less expensive and easy to use. In fact it is so easy to use they have put out a demo video of a laptop connected to five 10-15 Mbps Wi-Fi hotspots for a combined speed of 85 Mbps. Think of the possibilities!

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As with all solutions for any problem, there are some caveats to consider before buying.

They are –

  1. It is only available for Windows (other OS’s coming soon).
  2. Some bandwidth is lost through bandwidth-overhead. That means 10 x 10Mbps doesn’t necessarily equate to a 100Mbps connection.

My final thoughts.

The software looks polished and stable. The company has had phenomenal success with their previous software Hopspot. Their Kickstarter campaign goal was reached in 30 days, so they have peoples’ trust. Then delivered a finished product in 97 days, which means they are dependable. So this is one piece of software I would recommend and buy also.

As with all my recommendations, research before you buy.

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